Family Escapes Injury as Trailer Slams into House in Westmoreland

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Family Escapes Injury as Trailer Slams into House in Westmoreland

Family Escapes Injury

A barber and his eight-year-old nephew miraculously escaped serious injuries when a trailer truck driver lost control of the vehicle, crashing into their home in Farm, Westmoreland on Thursday morning.

The impact caused significant damage to a section of the house, while a church on the same property also suffered some damage, although not as severe.

According to reports, the trailer truck was en route to Whitehouse when the driver lost control and careened down a path, ultimately colliding with the barber’s residence.

The back of the trailer collided with the Saviour Church of God Ministries, situated on the same property.

Fortunately, the driver of the trailer sustained only minor injuries, which were promptly treated at a local hospital.

A video obtained by TalkUpDiTingsDem News captured the aftermath of the incident, showcasing curious residents at the scene. The shock of the near-tragic event elicited strong emotional responses, with some individuals expressing their shock and dismay through expletives.


One resident, describing the scene, exclaimed, “Wicked, terrible, terrible thing.”

From the footage, it is evident that the front of the trailer became lodged in a room, causing extensive damage to household items scattered amidst the rubble.

The barber reportedly lost several pieces of furniture and appliances as a result of the incident.

Authorities from the Westmoreland police department have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident.

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