A Journey Down The Jamaican History Lane Taken By Vivian Crawford

 A Journey Down The Jamaican History Lane Taken By Vivian Crawford 

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Mr. Vivian Crawford OD is the Executive Director of the Institute of Jamaica. A real Jamaican to the core, a descendant of the Maroons who are steeped in the culture of this enchanted island of Jamaica. Vivian who plays the organ and was Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Technology could be seen by some as a complex person but communicates easily with anyone.
Mr. Crawford delivered the Grace Kennedy Foundation Lecture 2021 on June 22, 2021, but when you listen to him, you will realize that it is a conversation about our history and it’s an engaging conversation. He will surprise you with the facts and the dates, he will enchant you with his humor and he will take you on an unforgettable and fascinating history of our country.

This is a conversation that many adults will learn how much they do not know about this beautiful island. For young people, it’s an experience that they will not have in a formal classroom setting. Thanks to Grace Kennedy Foundation for this video. Share it with the world!

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