The restoration of the rule of law is the goal of new road regulations, according to the prime minister

The restoration of the rule of law is the goal of new road regulations, according to the prime minister

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According to Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, the goal of the new Road Traffic Act and Regulations’ enforcement is to restore the rule of law rather than punish individuals or rake money.
Even though some of the rules have drawn criticism, he pointed out that “many Jamaicans, and I dare say, the quiet majority, respect and understand what this Administration is trying to accomplish in destroying the culture of informality and re-establishing the rule of law and public order.”
Tuesday’s event at Manchester’s New Forest High School, where 20 community members got titles to the homes they now dwell in, featuring the Prime Minister as the main speaker.

We “can’t make the change overnight since where we are today took decades of collapse in norms, rules, and expectations,” he added, adding that the government recognizes this.

However, he pointed out that the Administration is committed to the process, and any errors must be addressed right away and fixed, and a commitment to raising standards must be made.

He asserted that this is crucial when attempting to integrate people into the formal system.

The Prime Minister then spoke about the requirement in the Road Traffic Act on the use of seatbelts and child restraints in public passenger vehicles. He pointed out that this provision dates back to 1999 and has been debated by many administrations up until its current iteration in 2015.

While the cost of car seats is an issue, he claimed that everyone agreed that “as a people, we must aspire towards the protection of our children.”

According to Hon. Audley Shaw, Minister of Transportation and Mining, the Act’s provision for the use of child restraint systems is being changed.

He advised that a regulation referencing the kind of child restraint required for the carriage of children depending on age and size, in various types of vehicles, ought to be incorporated.

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