Offence Codes and Fines 2023(Final)_230201_103443

Offence Codes and Fines 2023(Final)_230201_103443

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1 D001 Aid And Abet No Driver’s Licence or Permit $15,000 0 N Section 20(4) 
2 D002 Aid And Abet Operating Motor Vehicle Contrary To 
The Terms Of Insurance Coverage While Acting As A Driving Instructor
$30,000 0 N Regulation 180(2)
3 D004 Body Protruding $5,000 0 N Regulation 261(4)
4 D005 Breach of special permit $30,000 0 N Regulation 113(8)
5 D006 Careless Driving Causing Collision $25,000 10 N Section 59(1)
6 D007 Careless Driving Where No Collision Occurs $11,000 4 N Section 59(1)
7 D008 Carrying dangerous goods without the transport emergency cards and manifest  Or Not Producing Emergency Cards And Manifests Upon Being Requested  By A Constable Or Other Authorized Person $175,000 0 N Regulation 291(3)
8 D009 Carrying a passenger on motor cycle on any part other than the sidecar $5,000 0 N Regulation 261(4)
9 D010 Carrying Person Otherwise Than By Sitting Astride On Motor Cycle $5,000 0 N Section 67(2)
10 D011 Causing Motor Cycle To Be Driven On One Wheel Only $5,000 3 N Section 67(2)
11 D012 Child Without Child Restraint System In Motor Vehicle $5,000 4 N Section 73(2)
12 D013 Crossing From A Minor Road To Major Road To Obstruct Traffic $8,000 3 N Section 54(4)b
13 D014 Crossing Road To Obstruct Traffic $9,000 3 N Section 57(5)(d)(iii)
14 D015 Direction indicatorcontrary to Regulations $5,000 0 N Regulation 110(3)
15 D016 Disobeying Traffic Light Or Stop Sign $10,000 6 N Section 52(2)(a)
16 D017 Drawing More Than Prescribed Number of Trailers $12,000 4 N Section 68(3)
17 D018 Driver Accompanying Learner Driver Having Excess Alcohol $12,000 0 N Section 24(4)
18 D019 Driver Failing to Cause Passenger To Wear Seatbelt $2,000 2 N Section 72(4)
19 D020 Driver Not Ensuring Pillion Wears Helmet $8,000 2 N Section 74(3)
20 D021 Driver Overtaking Without A Clear View $10,000 3 N Section 57(5)(d)(i) 
21 D022 Driving a non-emergency  vehicle over a Jamaica Fire Brigade hose laid on the road for the use at a fire without consent of a Constable or other person controlling traffic or Superintendent or another officer of the JFB $5,000 0 N Regulation 284(2)
22 D023 Driving Backwards Unnecessarily $3,000 4 N Section 57(5)(f)
23 D024 Driving closer than 50 meters behind an emergency vehicle or driving or stopping within 100 meters of  where an emergency vehicle stopped $5,000 0 N Regulation 283(2)
24 D025 Driving Defective Motor Vehicle $10,000 2 N Section 123(d)
25 D026 Driving From A Place That Is Not A Road Onto A Road To Obstruct Traffic $9,000 3 N Section 57(5) (e)
26 D027 Driving Instructor Holding Or Using Electronic Communication Device While Providing 
Instructions $10,000 6 N Section 121(4)
27 D028 Driving Or Attempting To Drive Motor Vehicle Across Funeral Procession $5,000 2 N Section 123(h)
28 D029 Driving/Operating Motor Vehicle While Using Electronic Communication Device $10,000 4 N Section 121(4)
29 D030 Driving/Operating Motor Vehicle While Using Specified Electronic Visual Device Within Driver’s Line Of Sight $10,000 6 N Section 122(3)
30 D031 Driving/Riding in a Motor Vehicle Without Seatbelt On $2,000 2 N Section 72(4)
31 D032 Exceeding Speed Limit In Construction Zone; 33-49 Kilometers Per Hour $20,000 6 N Section (77)(3)
32 D033 Exceeding Speed Limit In Construction Zone;16-32 Kilometers Per Hour $12,000 3 N Section 77(3)
33 D034 Exceeding Speed Limit In Construction Zone;50 Or More Kilometers Per Hour $30,000 10 N Section 77(3)
34 D035 Exceeding Speed Limit In School Safety Zone; 16 To 32 Kilometers Per Hour $12,000 3 N Section 76(4)
35 D036 Exceeding Speed Limit In School Safety Zone; 33 To 49 Kilometers Per Hour $20,000 6 N Section 76(4)
36 D037 Exceeding Speed Limit In School Safety Zone; 50 or More Kilometres Per Hour $30,000 10 N Section 76(4)
37 D038 Exceeding Speed Limit; 16-32 Kilometers Per Hour $6,000 2 N Section 55(3)
38 D039 Exceeding Speed Limit; 33-49 Kilometers Per Hour $10,000 4 N Section 55(3)
39 D040 Exceeding Speed Limit; 50 Or More Kilometers Per Hour $15,000 6 N Section 55(3)
40 D041 Excess Noise $10,000 0 N Regulation 247(7)
41 D042 Excess Weight 1001-5000 Kilogram $100,000 0 N Section 102(1)(b)
42 D043 Excess Weight 500-1000 Kilogram $25,000 0 N Section 102(1)(a)
43 D044 Failing To Allow Vehicle To Be Overtaken $5,000 2 N Section 57(5)(c)
44 D045 Failing To Bring Motor Vehicle To A Full Stop Where No Traffic Sign is Posted Or Constable is Assigned $10,000 0 N Section 54(4)(a)(ii)
45 D046 Failing To Comply With Other Traffic Signs $6,000 3 N Section 52(2)(b)
46 D047 Failing To Comply With Requirement To Off-Load Vehicle When Vehicle Is Found To Be Above Prescribed Laden Weight In A Manner So As Not To Obstruct Traffic  $7,000 0 N Section 104(3)
47 D048 Failing To Comply With Terms And Conditions Of Driver’s Licence $6,000 2 N Section 27(3)
48 D049 Failing To Comply With Terms And Conditions Of Learner’s Permit $6,000 2 N Section 24(4)
49 D050 Failing To Comply With Terms Of Condition Of Driver’s Licence During First Twelve (12) Months $6,000 2 N Section 27(3)
50 D051 Failing To Comply With Traffic Sign-In Construction Zone $10,000 3 N Section 77(3)
51 D052 Failing To Comply With Traffic Sign In School Zone $10,000 2 N Section 76(4)
52 D053 Failing To Comply With Traffic Signs Or Direction Of Constable Before Turning Into or Crossing a Major Road Where Roadway Is Not Controlled By Traffic Light $10,000 0 N Section 54(4)(a)(i)
53 D054 Failing To Fit Mechanical or illuminated Device (No indicator) $2,500 2 N Section 90(6)
54 D055 Failing To Give Appropriate Signal When Approaching A Constable At Road Junction To 
Indicate Which Direction Driver Will Go $2,500 2 N Section 90(6)
55 D056 Failing To Give Signal To Stop $2,500 2 N Section 90(6)
56 D057 Failing To Give Turning Signal (Failing to Indicate) $2,500 2 N Section 90(6)
57 D058 Failing to have a certificate showing exemption from wearing seatbelt $5,000 0 N Regulation 281(3)
58 D059 Failing to inform police of route where radioactive or infectious goods will be transported at least five days before transportation $25,000 0 N Regulation 294(2)
59 D060 Failing To Keep Left Or Nearside Of The Road When Being Overtaken $5,000 3 N Section 57(5)(a)
60 D061 Failing To Keep Right Or Offside Of Other Traffic Whilst Overtaking $5,000 3 N Section 57(5)(b)
61 D062 Failing to label protective device $5,000 0 N Regulation 276(4)
62 D063 Failing To Obey Constable Command $5,000 1 N Section 91(2)
63 D064 Failing To Observe Silent Zone $5,000 2 N Section 75(1) 
64 D065 Failing To Observe Stop For Crossing When Required By A School Crossing Warden $12,000 6 N Section 81(3)(a)
65 D066 Failing To Place Motor Vehicle Not In Motion As Indicated By Constable Or By Notice Issued By The Authority $5,000 0 N Section 89(4)
66 D067 Failing To Place Motor Vehicle When Not In Motion In A Safe Position $5,000 0 N Section 89(4)
67 D068 Failing To Produce Driver’s Licence/Permit At Constable’s Request $2,000 0 N Section 20(4)
68 D069 Failing to prominently display license or certified copy at driving school $10,000 0 N Regulation 188(2)
69 D070 Failing To Remain Stationary When Stopped By School Crossing Warden $12,000 6 N Section 81(3)(b)
70 D071 Failing To Stop Or Observe Provisions Of A Pedestrian Crossing $10,000 4 N Section 83(3)
71 D072 Failing to use emergency warning sign $5,000 0 N Regulation 262(6)
72 D073 Failing To Yield Right Of Way at Pedestrian Crossing $10,000 4 N Section 83(3) 
73 D074 Failing to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles $25,000 0 N Regulation 282(3)
74 D075 Fitting or using lamp fitted in contravention of the Regulations $10,000 0 N Regulation 85(9)
75 D076 Fraudulent Use Of Registration Plate or Decal $10,000 0 N Section 13(3)
76 D077 Leaving Motor Vehicle Unattended Without Stopping Engine $3,000 0 N Section 89(4)
77 D078 Leaving/Abandoning Motor Vehicle On Road Causing Obstruction $5,000 0 N Section 94(1)
78 D079 Licence Disc Not Affixed $5,000 0 N Section 13(5)
79 D080 More Person On Motor Cycle $5,000 3 N Section 67(2)
80 D081 No Brake Light $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(e)
81 D082 No Headlamp $5,000 4 N Section 71(2)(a) 
82 D083 No Helmet $8,000 2 N Section 74(3)
83 D084 No Motor Vehicle Insurance $20,000 0 N Section 7(3)
84 D085 No Park Light $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(b)
85 D086 No Rear Registration Plate Light $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(d)
86 D087 No Reflectors $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(c)
87 D088 No Seat Belt In Motor Vehicle $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(g)
88 D089 No Valid Certificate Of Fitness $15,000 0 N Section 7(3)
89 D090 No Warning Devices $5,000 2 N Section 71(2)(f)
90 D091 Not Parked With Near Side Closed To The Left As Possible When Not In Motion $5,000 0 N Section 89(4)
91 D092 Not producing transport emergency cards and manifests upon being requested to by a Constable or other authorized person $175,000 0 N Regulation 291(3)
92 D093 Obscured Licence Disc $5,000 0 N Section 13(5)
93 D094 Obscured Registration Plate $5,000 0 N Section 13(5)
94 D095 Obstructing Traffic $5,000 0 N Section 93(3)
95 D096 Operating a driving school without being licensed $50,000 0 N Regulation 183(2)
96 D097 Operating a motorcycle on a road where any goods carried thereon exceeds prescribed projection $10,000 0 N Regulation 257(3)
97 D098 Operating a motor vehicle that requires a special permit without obtaining such special permit $50,000 0 N Regulation 113(7)
98 D099 Operating Motor Vehicle Contrary To Terms and Conditions Of Licence $10,000 0 N Section 13(5) 
99 D100 Operating Motor Vehicle Contrary To Terms Of  Licence Issued To Dealer. $10,000 0 N Section 13(4)
100 D101 Operating motor vehicle contrary to the terms of Insurance coverage while acting as a driving instructor $30,000 0 N Regulation 180(2)
101 D102 Operating motor vehicle fitted with lamps emitting blue light or capable of emitting blue lights $15,000 0 N Regulation 102(4)
102 D103Operating motor vehicle fitted with spot lamp enabling beam of light to be deflected in any 
direction $10,000 0 N Regulation 101(3)
103 D104 Operating motor vehicle on a road where the overall height exceeds 4.2 meters from the ground $20,000 0 N Regulation 255(2)
104 D105 Operating motor vehicle or trailer where the load projects more than 15 centimeters beyond either side without the use of the required warning device to indicate the extent of the projection $30,000 0 N Regulation 258(6)
105 D106 Operating motor vehicle or trailer where the load projects more than 30 centimeters beyond the rear without the use of the required warning device to indicate the width or length of the projection
$50,000 0 N Regulation 258(6)
106 D107 Operating motor vehicle specified in Regulation 259(1) if the overall length of the vehicle exceeds that specified in Regulation 32 $50,000 0 N Regulation 259(8)
107 D108 Operating motor vehicle specified in Regulation 259(1) if the overall width of the vehicle exceeds 3.5 meters $50,000 0 N Regulation 259(8)
108 D109 Operating motor vehicle specified in Regulation 259(1) if the overall width of the vehicle exceeds that specified in Regulation 33$50,000 0 N Regulation 259(8)
109 D110Operating motor vehicle specified in Regulation 259(1) in time when the motor vehicle cannot be clearly discerned at a distance of 150 meters$500,000 0 N Regulation 259(8)
110 D111 Operating motor vehicle where exhaust pipe or silencer is not in good working order $10,000 0 N Regulation 66(2)
111 D112 Operating motor vehicle where exhaust pipe or silencer is placed and maintained so that exhaust or smoke leaks into the driving cab or passenger compartment$10,000 0 N Regulation 66(2)
112 D113 Operating motor vehicle where exhaust pipe or silencer when tested exceeds the Jamaica Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Standard limits $10,000 0 N Regulation 66(2)
113 D114 Operating motor vehicle where the exhaust or smoke from the engine causes nuisance or 
obstruction to the vision of other road users$10,000 0 N Regulation 66(2)
114 D115Operating motor vehicle where the exhaust pipe or silencer is in such a position that oil or other flammable liquid or material can drip or fall onto the exhaust pipe or silencer$10,000 0 N Regulation 66(2)
115 D116 Operating Motor Vehicle Without Driver’s Licence/Permit $40,000 14 N Section 20(4) 
116 D117 Overtaking Causing Obstruction $10,000 3 N Section 57(d)(ii)
117 D118 Parking In Such A Position As To Obstruct Traffic $5,000 0 N Section 89(4)
118 D119 Passing Or Overtaking Vehicle Stopped At Pedestrian Crossing $10,000 4 N Section 83(3)
119 D120 Permitting another person to usea  motor vehicle not covered by insurance which includes coverage for driving instruction while acting as a driving instructor $30,000 0 N Regulation 180(2)
120 D121 Pouring Petrol With Engine Running Or With Naked Light $4,000 0 N Section 89(4)
121 D122 Providing services of a driving instructor without being certified by the Authority $40,000 0 N Regulation 168(4)
122 D123 Refusal To Allow Vehicle To Be Weighed Or Tested $20,000 0 N Section 103(2)
123 D124 Riding on the outside of a vehicle $5,000 0 n Section 88(2)
124 D125 Selling, distribution,g or using a photographic image or video captured by an electronic enforcement device other than for the prosecution of Part IV offence$50,000 0 N Regulation 242(4)
125 D126 Sitting ortravelingg or permittinga  person to sit or travel withthe  load being transported $5,000 0 N Regulation 261(4)
126 D127 Smoking Ganja While Driving Or Attempting To Drive Or While Being In Charge Of A Vehicle On A Road $10,000 2 N Section 123
127 D128 Stopping or parking a non-emergency vehicle at a point within 3meterss of either side of  a fire hydrant without consent of a Constable or The superintendent or other officers of the Jamaica Fire 
Brigade$5,000 0 N Regulation 284(2)
128 D129 Stopping within 12 meters of a bus stop sign $10,000 0 N Regulation 204(2)
129 D130 Towing motor vehicle on a toll road by means other than by a tow truck $20,000 0 N Regulation 249(5)
130 D131 Transporting dangerous goods while carrying passengers who are unqualified $25,000 0 N Regulation 286(4)
131 D132 Transporting dangerous goods without being certified to do so $20,000 0 N Regulation 290(2)
132 D133 Travelling on or permitting a person to travel or drive in or on a motor vehicle or trailer while body protrudes beyond the side or rear$5,000 0 N Regulation 261(4)
133 D134 Unlawful Use Of Siren Or Other Similar Device $10,000 0 N Section 52(7)
134 D135 Unlicensed Motor Vehicle $10,000 0 N Section 7(3)
135 D136 Unregistered Motor Vehicle $10,000 0 N Section 7(3)
136 D137 Using a car to draw a trailer where the unladen weight equals or exceeds the weight of the drawing vehicle $30,000 0 N Regulation 250(2)
137 D138 Using a motor tractor to draw more than two trailers at one time $30,000 0 N Regulation 250(2)
138 D139 Using a revolving lamp in contravention of Regulation 103 $10,000 0 N Regulation 103(7)
139 D140 Using a truck to draw more than one trailer at any one time $30,000 0 N Regulation 250(2)
140 D141 Using an articulated motor vehicle to draw a trailer $20,000 0 N Regulation 249(5)
141 D142 Using Electronic Communication Device While Driving Or Operating A Vehicle $10,000 4 N Section 121(4)
142 D143 Usinga  motor vehicle on the road which is not licensedbyh the Act $5,000 0 N Section 13(5)
143 D144 Using motor vehicle to damage road sign $50,000 0 N Regulation 203(3)
144 D145 Using a motor vehicle to tow a broken down or disabled vehicle in contravention of Regulation 249(1) $10,000 0 N Regulation 249(5)
145 D146 Using motor vehicle while on a road that is not a main road to travelbackwards longer than necessary for the safety or convenience of the occupants or other road users and traffic on the road $5,000 0 N Regulation 220(2)
146 D147 Using Wireless Communication Device To View Send Or Compose An Electronic Message While Driving$10,000 0 N Section 121(4) 
147 D148 Wilfully Defacing Or Destroying Document $10,000 0 N Section 108(2)

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