George Wright Says No Problem Jamaica
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It is amazing to hear the level of reasoning coming from many of our intellectuals and those who head organizations who are supposed to know better. Some of these persons are now saying that the JLP Leader, Andrew Holness should have Mr. George Wright resign as a member of parliament. First as far as I know the JLP nor the PNP are not recognized in the constitution of this country. I would therefore like to know how the JLP would have any authority to force Mr. Wright to resign from the parliament.
Has Mr. wright been convicted of an offense and is that offense one that can disqualify him from continuing as a member of parliament? Is Mr. Wright suffering from any mental challenges which would make him incapable of functioning as the people’s representative? Has he absented himself from a number of sittings of the parliament without excuse and therefore on that basis his seat could be declared vacant?
Whatever wrong we may perceive of Mr. Wright, if we try to get him out of the house the wrong way, then we will be wrong and he will still be Wright in the house.
We oftentimes talk about the rule of law, and yet some of us would like a representative of the people to be thrown out of the house because it is believed that he did a wrong. Even
criminals have appealed their cases and have been set free. We have not even investigated anything yet to come to the conclusion that we have enough evidence to get a conviction in a court of law. There is no such thing as
justice born out of injustice.
When we have set up a
code of conduct for parliamentarians and if a parliamentarian is brought before a committee of parliament and found to be guilty, then that parliamentarian can he be removed from his seat. Strict rules would have to be set up to ensure that the party with the most seats does not control whether a member is removed from the house or not. We also definitely need a system of impeachment for the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
Let us not fool ourselves, many politicians have done far worse things than Mr. Wright and many have continued to sit in parliament and function as if they are the archangels of heaven. Many of us know stories about how gangs were important to rural
Jamaica to fight political fights and many politicians were not far removed from these fights. Executives of organizations have lost their lives under questionable circumstances and the list goes on and there have been talks about political connections. This is the Jamaica that we live in.
One thing for sure, and that is Jamaica is one big corrupt country, and no sector of the society I believe is spared – not even the church. Do you recall stories of persons who were removed from areas so those of the right political power could move in? Have you heard of persons who did no work it is said, and yet they collected monthly salaries? Persons who get appointed as consultants when some of them probably cannot even spell the word consultant.
Will Jamaican be cleaned up? Not for this generation nor the
next nor the next. Too many persons benefit from the corruption in this country. While the majority suffer and the majority have become quite used to the suffering, that suffering for them is like a cool breeze.
Jamaica No Problem Man! Business as usual is
business unusual!!!
Eternal Father bless our land! Let us hope a change is coming.
One Love!
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