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In search of justice, the family of a murdered US missionary travels to Jamaica

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In search of justice, the family of a murdered US missionary travels to Jamaica

A family from the United States is seeking to receive justice for a loved one who was one of the two US missionaries slain in St. Mary after more than six years of waiting.
Sarah Hentzel, the widow of then 48-year-old Randy Hentzel, who was brutally murdered alongside his coworker in 2016, compared it to “pulling a wind that has ended – at least partially – wide open anew.”
This week, she spoke with the American media.
The double murder made news throughout the world and grieved many people, especially those who had benefitted from American generosity.

The murder trial of the committed volunteers is scheduled to begin in the Home Circuit Court in downtown Kingston next week after years of yearning for justice.
Dwight Henry of Wentworth and Andre Thomas of Port Maria, both in St. Mary, are accused of killing Hentzel and Harold Nichols, 53, in 2016.
On Saturday, April 30, 2016, and Sunday, May 1, 2016, respectively, Hentzel and Nichols of the US outreach organization TEAMS for Medical Missions were discovered dead in bushes in Albion Mountain region, St. Mary.
When they were accused of murder, Henry and Thomas were in their mid-20s.
In a Wednesday interview with KCCI Channel 8 News from her home in Iowa, the widow of Hentzel revealed that she and other family members will be departing for Jamaica on Saturday in order to attend the trial the following week.
According to the story, attempts are being made to raise money to help the family with their trip expenditures.
In the interview, Sarah stated, “Really, we’re going down there simply to honor Randy and show them that we still remember, we still believe it’s important and that we’re still searching for justice.”
She bemoaned the lengthy wait before court proceedings in Jamaica began as well as the allegedly poor speed of the island’s judicial system.
According to Sarah, the two men first confessed, but now they claim their admissions were forced and are attempting to have those thrown out.
She said that returning for the trial was like “pulling” a wound open again in the midst of those developments.
The bereaved wife remarked, “We have to go endure it all (again),” while expressing worry that, given the delay in the trial’s opening, the worse would occur.
Sara said, “I am simply trusting in the idea that God is sovereign and justice will be served eventually.
Hentzel founded a school for pastors and was the father of five children.
According to reports, the two missionaries were last seen riding motorbikes away from Tower Isle in St. Mary at around 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 30, 2016.
Their remains were subsequently discovered by locals in bushes. While Nichols’ body was discovered with his head battered in, Hentzel was discovered with his hands bound and lying on his back.
Later autopsies revealed that Hentzel had died from a gunshot wound, while Nichols had suffered both a gunshot and a chop wound.
Justice Sarah Thompson-James moved the case on April 3, 2017, from the St. Mary Circuit Court to the Home Circuit Court.
In an application at the time, the men’s counsel claimed that the case should be moved due to the case’s extensive media coverage and the probability that the guys wouldn’t have a chance to get a fair trial in St. Mary.


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