Concern is expressed by INDECOM on the rise in fatal shootings during police operations.

Concern is expressed by INDECOM on the rise in fatal shootings during police operations.

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The spike in fatal shootings during scheduled police operations worries the Independent Commission of Investigations, INDECOM.
Its report for the fourth quarter of 2022, which was presented to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, included the number.
The report has been viewed by Chevon Campbell.

The supervisory agency for the security forces reports that 134 gunshot deaths occurred in 2022. From 127 the year before, this is an increase.
The general trend has significantly declined over the past ten years, down from a peak of 258 in 2013. The year 2019 saw the fewest fatal shootings by security personnel to date with only 86 such cases.
However, according to INDECOM, 31%, or 23%, of the 134 fatal shootings by security agents in 2022 took place during pre-planned police operations or PPOs. This is an increase from only 11 the year before.
According to INDECOM, between 33% and 38% of all fatalities occurred as a result of PPOs up to 2015.
The police watchdog claims that the rate declined to levels last seen in 2016–2017 in 2022, which was a negative development.

According to INDECOM, this high number of PPO-related fatalities—particularly in October, when 21 individuals died, including six in PPOs—is not what is typical for such operations.

In order to regain community trust and cultivate police confidence, INDECOM is once more requesting that body-worn cameras be used in pre-planned policing operations.

Dr. Horace Chang, the national security minister, warned the Lower House in November of last year that there would be an increase in the number of deadly police shootings.

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