Jamaica’s Talked About Cult Leader

 Jamaica’s Talked About Cult Leader

More reporters and persons continue to dig deeper into the past of Kevin Smith, to learn more about him. The man who many refer to as his Excellency. Kevin s the former head of the Pathways International Restoration Ministries based in Montego Bay.
DPP Paula Llewelyn has said in a conversion with a reporter that Kevin Smith was convicted for a crime in Canada and he spent some time in jail.

We must understand that Kevin Smith was just the tip of the iceberg that we are facing in this country. If we take a look at our music, for example, you will find that some of the well-known artists are actually leaders of a cult.  Many of our people will give their lives for some of these artists. We saw the videos of Kevin Smith preached which shocked us, but many artists preach violence and sing songs that talk about our women and our girls in very derogatory terms. 

We have artists who are known to be on hard drugs, artists who are had convicted murders, artists who are rapists, and many of us display cult-like adoration for them. Some of us bleach our skins like them, Some of the artists have been wearing their pants below their bottoms, and persons in cult-like behavior follow these artists blindly.

Many continue to blast Kevin and his followers but we also follow the two largest cults blindly – the JLP and the PNP. In 1980 we murdered approximately 800 persons due to political differences. School administrators had to change the uniform of their students to prevent them from being attacked.

Jamaica could soon earn the title of the land of wood water and cults! Do not believe for one moment that cults are only found in the religious community. There are more!

Kevin Lewis is now dead and he shall not rise on the third day. Let’s look for the next cult leader and the next cult and deal with it!

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