
Jah Cure remains in prison in the Netherlands due to no early release

  Jamaican recording artiste Jah Cure will continue serving his six-year sentence for attempted manslaughter in The Netherlands, a judge ruled on Tuesday.
The ‘Longing For’ singer appeared in court on Tuesday for a pro forma hearing. He is scheduled to return to court on November 1. “Yesterday was another pro forma court date, where the…

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Top Criminal DRMA charges filed in parish court in 2021

  The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on the country’s justice system with breaches of the Disaster Risk Management (Amendment) (DRMA) Act, 2021, and related charges heading the list of the three most frequent criminal charges filed in the parish courts during the year. The other two were assault occasioning bodily harm and…

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Mobay robbery foiled after cops intersect robbers

  Three men were arrested and charged with robbery with aggravation and illegal possession of firearm following an incident at a supermarket in Orange Lane, Montego Bay, St James on July 31. Charged are: Doni Malcolm, 25, otherwise called ‘CJ’, of Paradise Row; Nathan Campbell, 29, otherwise called ‘Bubinile’, a chef also of Paradise Row;…

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