1 Million bail for bank employee facing fraud charges


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Arsenio Johnson, a retail support officer employed to National Commercial Bank (NCB), was granted bail last week relative to a multi-million fraud case involving the bank.

The 37-year-old man appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on charges of larceny as a servant and breaches of the Proceeds of Crime Act and the Cybercrimes Act.

In addition to being granted bail in the sum of $1 million, the parish court judge ordered that Johnson should surrender his travel documents and report to the police twice per week.

A stop order was also imposed at all ports of entry for him.

Johnson is to return to court on October 21, 2022.

Reports from detectives assigned to the Fraud Squad are that about 4pm on Wednesday, July 13, Johnson was arrested following investigative leads.

The allegations are that between January 2020 and July 2022, Johnson effected a number of unauthorised transfers of monies from the bank’s suspense account to two accounts associated with him.

Based on preliminary investigations, $5.8 million has been established as having been defrauded.

However, an audit is being conducted to ascertain the exact amount that was involved.

Johnson was interviewed in the presence of his attorney, after which the charges were laid.

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