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Robbers using motorcycles, taxis nabbed by St Ann police

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Faced with a major uptick in robberies since the start of the year, law enforcers in St Ann have arrested several perpetrators of such crimes.

A number of motorcyclists and persons allegedly using the guise of operating taxis to commit robberies are among those charged and have their cases in court, according to the head of the St Ann police, Senior Superintendent Dwight Powell.

In addressing the monthly meeting of the St Ann Municipal Corporation on Thursday, he outlined that up to November 10, some 84 cases of robberies had been recorded in the parish so far this year. 

This represents an increase of 44 cases when compared to the 40 incidents that were recorded over the corresponding period last year.

“Significantly though, I want to indicate to council that we have been making some significant strides in terms of arrests for these robberies,” Powell informed the municipal authority.

“We were having some challenges with some bikers, and I’m pleased to report to council that we managed to… have some significant breakthroughs.

“So we have some of the bikers in custody, and they are facing the courts on numerous robbery charges,” he shared.

According to the parish commander, charges have also been laid against some of those individuals who have been allegedly utilizing taxis to commit robberies.

Meanwhile, he said although murders have increased by seven, bringing the overall number to 55 cases recorded up to  November 10, the police are trying to cauterize the situation, as domestic disputes have contributed to the murder tally in St Ann.

“We have been watching a few domestic conflict situations across Brown’s Town, Orange Hill, across Windsor, across Steer Town, and across Pineapple (in Ocho Rios),” Powell outlined.

“So (in) those situations, the police are doing what is necessary to mitigate those incidents of conflicts,” stated the senior crime-fighter.

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