My letter to youtube this is getting out of hand

My letter to youtube, this is getting out of hand

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Hello everyone I’m doing this because youtube has been slacking off lately 

I woke up to this email again

“Hi, 411 Info,


We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.”

Youtube keeps deleting my channels for no real reason then reactivating them

and I’m really getting sick of this, so I sent another letter 

this is what I said.

“Dear youtube please take a second look at my channel as I,m 100% sure it is no violation of any of your community guidelines or your terms 

the videos I post are all for information purpose 

I don’t have any spam, scam, or deceptive content on my channel I don’t put links in my description or in my videos for that matter

there are no obscenities in any of my videos 

no curs words

I don’t try to send people away from my channel which is the reason why I don’t put links in my description or in my videos

I follow your rules 100%

so please explain to me how my channel is in violation of your community guideline”

Next Came This.


Thank you for contacting us about your disabled Google Account. The Google Accounts team will review your request and be in touch with an update as soon as possible. Most requests take 2 business days to review, but some might take longer.

Thanks for your patience.

The Google Accounts Team


Hi, 411 Info,


We’re pleased to let you know that we’ve recently reviewed your YouTube account and, after taking another look, we can confirm that it is not in violation of our Terms of Service. We have lifted the suspension of your account, and it is once again active and operational.


We’d like to thank you for your patience while we reviewed this case. Our goal is to make sure that content doesn’t violate our Community Guidelines so that YouTube can be a safe place for all – and sometimes we make mistakes trying to get it right. We hope you understand, and we’re sorry for any inconvenience or frustration this has caused.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us here.


The YouTube Team



We have re-reviewed your account and have concluded that it is not in violation of our Terms of Service. Therefore, we have unsuspended your account. This means your account is once again active and operational, and in good standing.

If you have forgotten your password, please visit this link to reset it:

Please do not respond to this email. Replies to this email will not be processed. Please refer to our Help Center for more information.

The YouTube Team

I’m getting sick and tired of this, I’m really thinking of finding a new platform for my videos where I can get my videos monetized.

this has been happening so often lately, it’s ridiculous

this has happened to several of my youtube channels now and they don’t all get reactivated

and as a result of that, it dampers my sprits 

it makes me feel so unmotivated, & extremely discouraged 

if anyone has been having this problem please leave your comments to let us know that we’re not alone in this.

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