Tragic Motorcycle Crash in Westmoreland Claims Four Lives

Tragic Motorcycle Crash in Westmoreland Claims Four Lives

Unregistered Bikes, Overtaking Maneuver Leads to Fatal Accident


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Four men perished in a motorcycle accident in Westmoreland. Calls for stricter bike regulations follow the tragic event. Read more on this devastating story.

In a devastating incident on Sunday afternoon, four young men tragically lost their lives in a motorcycle accident along the Culloden main road in Westmoreland. The victims, identified as 22-year-old Arsenio Forbes, Tevin Bailey, Renado Fenton, and Kimany Thomas, all hailed from Whitehouse in the parish.

Accident Details

Reports indicate that the accident occurred shortly after 6:00 PM. The four men were riding on two motorcycles, neither of which had registration plates. While attempting to overtake another vehicle, they failed to keep to the left side of the road and collided head-on with a white minibus coming from the opposite direction.

Superintendent Othniel Dobson, the commanding officer for the Westmoreland police division, confirmed the sequence of events. The force of the collision was such that all four men sustained critical injuries and were pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

Community Reactions and Call for Action

The incident has sparked outrage and grief within the community, with family members and locals calling for stricter regulations on motorcycle usage, particularly unregistered bikes. This tragic event adds to the growing concern over road safety in the area.

Road Accident Statistics

This accident contributes to a worrying trend in road fatalities. Since the start of the year, 190 individuals have lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents. To put this into perspective, 201 people were killed in such accidents in the first half of 2023 alone.


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