Looking for the taxi driver who threatened to hit a woman after the collision.

Looking for the taxi driver who threatened to hit a woman after the collision.

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A taxi driver who was involved in a car accident and attempted to physically harm a female motorist is being sought by police.
The driver’s threat to strike the female was captured on film during the altercation.
When numerous persons who were passing by the vicinity challenged the suspected motorist, he quickly fled the scene.
The taxi driver was overheard by one individual being corrected about his threat to the woman.
Also heard was the female claiming that she had managed to record the license plate of the male driver.
Several social media users praised the men who rescued the woman once the event was over.
Big applause to the lads who observed the woman in trouble and helped her out,” one user said.

Compared to an incident that happened in Half Way Tree a little over a week ago, where a man was seen on camera kicking a woman while she was on the ground, the social media user remarked that this was a very different strategy.

The general people was accused of idly watching and doing little to assist in such circumstance.

Later, the incident’s assailant was detained and charged.


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